Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Open Solutions for Libraries Gain Momentum is a really exciting new open source project that LibLime in the States has been working on - and very timely given the OCLC policy review and the 'heat' that has generated.

Some key points about are:
  • It's built with completely open source software, and released under the GPL, just like Koha.
  • The data in the giant record store (currently 35 million records) are licensed under the Open Data Commons license. Anyone can use the records, modify them, etc. This is in stark contrast to many national libraries and organizations like OCLC, who view the data as owned by them.
  • The service is free for anyone to use, meaning that libraries have a free cataloging tool and a free data store.
Click here to read a very informative news story about the increasing popularity open source solutions are finding with libraries, and why is so timely and striking such a cord.

Thanks to Philip van Zijl for posting link on NZ Libs list this morning.

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